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فارسی عربي


French theater scholar to visit Iran

French theater scholar and professor, Christian Biet, will hold master classes in the Iranian capital city of Tehran.

Biet, who is a professor of the history and aesthetics of theater at Paris Ouest University Nanterre La Défense, will give lectures and hold master classes at Molavi Hall in Tehran next month.

The scholar will also be accompanied by a French theater troupe in the master classes during Iranian Performance Week.

The program, titled ‘Performance and Urban Area’, is scheduled to open on October 4.

Tehran’s performance week is organized in collaboration with the Fanous Art and Culture House in Tehran.

Biet is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France and a visiting professor at New York University.

Iran has a rich history in theatrical art culture, preparing to stage the 36th edition of the Fajr International Theater Festival in upcoming months.

